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Mind Body Defence

“But if it gives you an extra option to get out of an difficult situation, why not take it.”

I have always loved the idea of martial arts, whether they be in the photos that I have seen, or the books I have read. The awesome maneuvers by the characters, especially if they are by girls, that’s it-“I found my favorite character.” More than the flexibility, the security knowing such skills offer, is a huge plus in my mind.

I have always tried to instill the importance of learning them in Devu as well, though that’s still an ongoing lesson.

So when I saw this ad for a workshop for women, where an expert in Jiu-Jitsu and a psychologist will be taking classes for women in self-defence, it took me less than 5 minutes to register.

The doubts came later. I, who is the last in flexibility, hardly exercises, and have never ever done something like this, not to mention with Bhavi hanging off my arm every single minute of the day; will I be able to attend them much less continue if I am not any good at it.

The First Class

Anyways, I decided to attend the first class. You could spot out I am doing it for the first time: the only one there in jeans while the rest came in stretchable yoga pants and well, you get the idea.

But at the end of 1 hour, I realized something. It’s the heart to learn new things that matter. The rest will fall in place. The ladies in charge, Jaque and Lorna, were terrific. They made each and everyone so comfortable. They made us (me) feel this is something anyone can learn if they put their heart and strength into the places they point out to.

Body Defence

“I wish it for everyone who has felt weak, or that they are not enough at some point in life.”

Jaque, the martial arts teacher, showed us simple moves at first in such a way, that made us understand how to use our own body strength as an asset. Understand the technique, practice it consistently, and bam, you can help yourself.

There are no foolproof solutions in life. Learning martial arts is not an assurance that you can get out of a bad situation. But if it gives you an extra option to do the same, why not take it?

Mind Defence

Lorna, using the psychology coaching helped us talk about our fears, and taught us how to help our minds override it. Something as simple as walking might be the best for one while talking it with your friends be for the other.

Training your body and mind at the same time to be stronger is something I have wished for a long time. Though I haven’t reached my ultimate goal, they helped me start it. I wish to continue it, I wish it for my daughters, I wish it for everyone who has felt weak, or that they are not enough at some point in life.

This time, they have added extra elements to make the classes even more interesting. If you are thinking of adopting a healthy lifestyle, want to do something different, or like me want to start somewhere in making yourself stronger, do check this out.

“It’s the heart to learn new things that matter.”

For those who would like to know more about them, check out their Instagram page.