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Driving Up The Majestic Slieve League Cliffs

“Slieve League cliffs, the highest accessible sea cliffs in Europe, twice as high as the Eiffel Tower, nearly 3 times as high as Cliffs of Moher.”

Fell in love yet? There’s more.

“Wild and dramatic, with the ferocious Atlantic Ocean crashing at its feet and the beautiful skies caressing its majestic head, Slieve League Cliffs are a sight to behold.”

Slieve League Cliffs

Driving up to the top of Slieve League Cliffs in County Donegal was one of the major goals on my bucket list which I didn’t even know I had.

Why Visit Slieve League Cliffs

When we planned this trip, Slieve League was one of the most suggested places while visiting Co Donegal.

Though there were some write-ups about Donegal, the most helpful site was the Irishroadtrip. With the route on how to reach there and some other tips which I will be discussing later.

Slieve League cliffs, the highest accessible sea cliffs in Europe, is twice as high as the Eiffel Tower, and nearly 3 times as high as the Cliffs of Moher.

The Mountain Roads Leading To The Cliffs

What I didn’t read or think much until the final 1-hour drive to reach the Cliffs, was that these mountain roads were narrow. It was literally as if we were traveling on roads cut through mountains.

Speed Limits

With the left side of our road being deep ravines, and the right side, huge cliff faces, the speed maintained on these roads is less. What made the drive scary was the fact that there were a few cars that came from our opposite side at very high speeds. It might have been just 3 out of the 6 that crossed us that felt they were above the speed limits mentioned, but they were enough to make us even more cautious.

“To fellow drivers, speed limits are placed for safe driving, especially on roads which ask you to drive at speeds lesser than mentioned.

Live and let live.”

Nevertheless, the drive through the roads that were taking us to the top of the Slieve League Cliffs was beautiful. After around 40 minutes of drive, we reached the village of Carrick.

There was a pub The Rusty Mackeral, in Carrick just 10 minutes before reaching the cliffs, which had a rustic look and something which we would have loved to try. But it was fully booked and needed reservations beforehand.

Lower Level Parking Of The Slieve League Cliffs

After reaching the lower car parking area, we have 2 options to cover the last 1.8 km.

    1. Park the car and hike up to the top.
    2. Drive up to the upper-level parking area.

There is a small gate that needs to be opened for the car to pass through. Don’t forget to close the gate after the car passes through for the safety of the livestock.

The Drive Up To The Top

“Don’t forget to close the gate after the car passes through, for the safety of the livestock.”

If you are driving up to the top, please consider this important point. The curves leading up to the Slieve League Cliffs viewing point are dangerous. Especially because there is no safeguard at the edge of the roads, or no marking to show where 2 cars can pass through. So any reason that makes the vision not so clear, is a reason not to drive up to the top.

“Only drive up if the weather is clear, as in not just rain or wind, but most importantly mist as well.”

If there is mist or the weather is not good, then I would strongly advise not to drive up as it is dangerous. The roads winding up to the top of the cliffs define the word mountain curves. There is 1 curve on this drive up to the top, where you cannot see if there is a car opposite of you until you are up on the spot. Since everyone drove really slow, it was a safe and beautiful ride up the cliff point.

“The roads winding up to the top of the cliffs define the word mountain curves.”

Since there are lots of people who hike up these paths, be mindful of them as well. As well as the livestock grazing by. They might be in the mood to cross the road.

At The Top Of Slieve League Cliffs

“Once you reach the top, enjoy the views you adventurously earned.”

Once you reach the top of Slieve League Cliffs, after parking the car, there is an option of hiking up again. But some of the paths can be accessed by only really experienced hikers. So, with children, I would suggest enjoying the views without hiking up again.

The views at the top (from the level where we parked the car) were as expected- breathtaking. There is an observation deck as well as picnic tables to relax. The ocean looks miles away at the height at which we are standing and the ships at the distance feel like toys.

Click lots of photos, and while coming back, don’t forget to close the gate after passing through.

“Once you reach the top, enjoy the views you adventurously earned, relax and soak up the beauty that the majestic Slieve League Cliffs have to offer.”

I have also made a short vlog on my YouTube channel about the same if you are interested. The link is attached below.

SlieveLeague Cliffs

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Karuna

    Nice pics, good article

    1. Sree Parvathi

      Thank you Karuna for taking the time to read through my post 🥰🥰🥰

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